Pared Back Christmas Decor and Ramblings
[image: Pared Back Christmas Decor and Ramblings]
Pared Back Christmas Decor and Ramblings. This year my mind has been all
over the place, I just haven...
DIY Hot Cocoa Chocolate Spoons
I just finished up making a batch of these hot cocoa chocolate spoons that
I plan on gifting this holiday season! They came out so cute and make an
Beautiful Words
By happenstance, this morning I came across this photo that I shot before
Christmas. I had begun to play around a bit with it using some free
botanical ...
X-ray to TV Stand
I have been contemplating a number of projects for the upcoming show
season. The snow on the tundra is still more than a foot deep, but cabin
fever i...
What a Wonderful Month of Love!
*The Colors Of Valentines Day!*
*Whimsical Vintage Valentines*
*always add a great touch!*
*These 3 Spun Cotton Animals were plucked*
*from Kohls Chris...
Up-cycle an old File box into a writers box
*Up-cycle an old File box into a writers box. Perfect project for the
Paper Addict.*
You've seen these before
First I cleared out all th...
Not Blogging
Since my blog was poached, stolen, copied, lifted,
hacker Retro Living.
I am not currently blogging on a regular basis, but spending some tim...
Yes!, We will be having our annual Barn Sale!
Yes we are having the Barn Sale! ⠀
I know I have been quiet about our annual sale.
As many of you know, my little sister passed away a couple months ago.
Saying Goodbye To My Blog
It is totally bittersweet for me to end my blog. I pay for my blog each
month and it is silly for me to keep it up. I rarely post anymore and it
just doesn...
Happy Easter Blessings.
Thank you, Jesus!!
We are going to Easter buffet this year. No cooking for anyone. Lots of
yummy food. I better we...
Save pdf smaller size mac online
High image quality, bring your ideas to life save pdf smaller size mac
online beautiful presentations. and instantly got the shrunken file!
Although the de...
Free At Last!
I am sorry I have been gone so long and had this blog shut down. But it
was needed for awhile.
I decided it was time to come back and let you know my won...
Something to Crow About
[image: Untitled]
So the other week I spied this awesome vintage sign coming up for sale at
an auction! OMG!!! It was just what I was looking for to com...
Love & Family Shabby Scrapbook Layout by Phyllis
Hey Crafty Friends, Phyllis here today to share my latest Design Team
Project with you! I really love Melissa Frances chipboard and wood pieces,
you can pa...
On-Line Flashback Box Sale is HERE!
SOLD OUT! New Box! Different Products! Flashback to some of the greatest
October Afternoon collections... You asked, and we listened! We are holding
an on-...
Happy Easter!
Zoey's Mom made these cute EB cupcakes for the Kinder-Kids.
I took them out to pick-up time and handed them to mommys.
It was a 1/2 day and I just couldn't ...
The turkeys fence-sitting. It was so funny when the three jumped down on
the other side of the fence and the fourth didn't know where they were!
I found t...
She gave me my passion for gardening. She was with me when I bought my
first antique, and she was junking right alongside me at my first flea
market. She...
Living up to the hype
Over the years Jenny and I have seen a ton of exaggeration about how sales
are “epic” or “100 years of treasures” or “not to be missed.” Most of the
time t...
Reflecting on Christmas 2014
Looking back, remembering the blues, silver and sparkles that were part of
my home for Christmas 2014.
The other part, brights with shades of...
Helpful holiday hints from the Internet
Every morning my Twitter feed is filled with ideas for holiday baking,
holiday decorating, holiday entertaining, some of the ideas more useful
than others....
Can I get your autograph?
I wrote a lame title for this post and I just couldn’t bring myself to use
it but it’s dorky enough that it seemed a shame not to share. Ready?
*Vintage ...
Summer Break, Shop Changes and the Patina Market
This Summer has been hectic...we've traveled, we've put on markets, we've
hunted and sold loads of "fresh finds"and now it's time for a break!
We're tak...
I know we are headed into spring, but I recently went to an estate sale of
a "mouse collector". She literally had 100's of mice. I showed you a
Valentine's Day Project Ideas
Do you decorate for Valentine's Day? I have been blessed with past guest
bloggers sharing their Valentine's Day projects here at ATWK. Hope one of
them ins...
Brimfield never disappoints
Suddenly I felt the urge to* finally* post pictures of my day at Brimfield
back in September.
Most of them were already loaded so it really only took a few...
You can find the daises
I watched a little girl at the pool today with a miniature bag of m and
m's. She devoured them as if the bottom of the bag had a treasure chest in
it. E...
Creative Breathing Painting Tutorial
It has been the most rewarding experience for me to see so many of you
giving Paper Clay a try. I have seen the cutest Easter creations ever on so
many ...
It's Barn Sale Day!!!!!
Wednesday Shopping:
Early Bird
1-4 pm
$20 donation
Get the Goods
5-8 pm
$5 donation
Thursday - Saturday
9-6 each day
See you soon!
Market Monday 7/11/11
It's hot and humid and too hot to be running from store to store to shop!!
Another reason to come on over to Market Monday to see what the
contributors h...
I love fabric from the 30-50's, old paper such as postcards, magazines, old Christmas, well I guess anything old!! I also love to scrapbook and like vintage graphics from the 30-50's. I currently sell through my two Etsy stores, AntiquesGaloreGal and VintageTinsel
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